Our new Website!

27 Apr

Welcome to the new look and easier to use RECOMMONS.org website.  There are a number of exciting improvements to the website including:

  • A more modern look and feel. The site is now also mobile-aware, so if you access the site from your smartphone or tablet it will show in a format that better fits the device.
  • Easy navigation and the ability to search the site.  No more having to hunt through bulletin-board lists to find an article.
  • Content is published and available in a news magazine style. You see the latest, relevant association news and announcements as they are published. The latest announcements (like this one) will show prominently on the home page.  News of interest to the development shows on the “News” page and the latest association meeting minutes are published to the “Association” page.  Links to articles show in the right column.
  • Interactive maps of the development (take a look at the “About” page).
  • The ability to post comments and feedback (requires site membership – coming soon)

Over the next year we will be adding a number of enhancements including:

  • An improved online payment page (we are still using the old payment page)
  • A gallery page showing photographs around the development and hopefully some historical content (if you have any, or have history on the development you’d like to share, we’d like to hear from you – send an email to webadmin@recommons.org)
  • Site membership.  Membership of the website will be optional, but it will allow you to subscribe to alerts of association events (like block parties, dates for membership dues, association meetings, etc).

So please visit the site often to find out the latest news and check out the enhancements as they become available.  We hope you will enjoy the new website.

Association General Meeting Minutes – 7 October 2014

25 Apr
Meeting Name River’s Edge Commons Meeting
Meeting Date October 7, 2014
Meeting Time 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Venue Burns‐Lindow Building, 8465 Bainbridge Rd, Chagrin Falls, OH 44023
Attendees Tora Consolo, Santo Consolo, Wayne Smith, Tony Smith, Paul Doherty

Meeting Notes:

  1. Old Business
    1. Block party was a success; about 25 families attended; George and Jen Mallinos indicated that they would be willing to host it again next year; was good that we had a rain date.
    2. Sign landscaping/maintenance is now being taken care of by Gallagher landscaping.


  2. New Business
    1. Sign Landscaping: the members present unanimously agreed that the sign plantings need major pruning and cutting back come spring.
    2. Dues: the members present unanimously agreed that 2015/2016 dues should be set at $60 for ‘regular’ members and $30 for seniors.
    3. Officer Elections: We still need to fill two officer positions.
    4. Communications: All were excited about the prospect of an updated website; also proposed were the creation of a Facebook page and a printed newsletter.
    5. Membership Incentives: It was proposed that septic cleaning discounts be explored as a membership incentive.
    6. Common Area Trails: we still need some fresh ideas on how to make the common area trails more accessible to all members.

Association General Meeting Minutes – 23 June 2014

24 Apr
Meeting Name River’s Edge Commons Meeting
Meeting Date June 23, 2014
Meeting Time 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Venue Burns‐Lindow Building, 8465 Bainbridge Rd, Chagrin Falls, OH 44023
Attendees Benku Thomas, Santo Consolo , Diann Rucki, Michael Gerard, George and Jen Mallinos, Bill Goddard, Julie Emerich, Paul Doherty

Meeting Notes:

  1. Old Business
    1. Replacement of the entrance signs complete.  Prior decision taken not to re-design the signs.  Old signs were almost 30 years old.
    2. Landscaping around the signs has been addressed, although follow-up with landscapers required addressing concerns around weeding.
  2. Membership Overview
    1. While the number of paying residents remains fairly consistent, the number of senior memberships is impacting revenue.   PayPal clients cost an additional $1.25/membership.
    2. Two ideas around increasing dues to ensure sufficient revenues were discussed.   Attendees decided the Board of Trustees will take up the question of dues and determine a decision.
    3. Wild Water Kingdom passes increased this year from 12 to 15 households, yielding $3500 to Wild Water Kingdom.
    4. Membership drive is focused on fewer, but more firm, deadlines.  Reminder postcard generated additional memberships.  Membership will close on July 1st.
    5. Wild Water Kingdom tickets were awarded.  Diann Rucki will notify the winners and mail them the  tickets  Winners are: Richard and Linda Basta (High Point), Edward and Diane Lennon (Brewster), Louis Novotny (High Point), and Virginia Berardinelli (Brewster).
  3. Financial Overview
    1. Income Statement presented.  Reminder that fiscal year begins on June 1st.  Total expenses include only 50% of total cost of sign replacement as the other half was taken in the prior fiscal year.   Net worth statement is also attached.
      Income Statement & Balance Sheet YE May 31, 2014
      Net Worth June 2014
    2. Budget for FY15 was reviewed and a motion accepted to pass the FY15 budget.
      Proposed Budget FY 2014-2015
  4. New Business
    1. Membership Committee: Michael Gerard resigned from the membership committee due to his pending move.  Benku Thomas agreed to assist with the web site.  Michael, Diann, and Benku are working together to move items, such as the web site, out of Michael’s name and into Benku’s.  All items to be posted on the web site should now be forwarded to Benku.  The membership committee welcomes other volunteers!
    2. Election of New Officers: Two new officers are required.   The attendees agreed to send out a mailing indicating the current Board members, as well as the current openings.  Once the Board is in place, the Board will elect the individuals to the different role.
    3. Block Party: George and Jen Mallinos graciously offered to host the Block Party in front of their home on Elizabeth Lane.  The attendees agreed to two dates for the party: Target Date: Saturday, September 13th / Rain Date: Saturday, September 20th.  More details to follow.
    4.  House Abandonment: There was some discussion around what could be done around a house that appears to have been abandoned on Rivers Edge Dr.  Unfortunately, the homeowner’s association cannot assist, but recommended that concerned homeowners contact the township

Bainbridge Zoning Commission public hearing on mixed-use zoning for Geauga Lake on Tuesday 03-24, 7pm

21 Mar


Chagrin Valley Times March 20, 2015: Zoning Hearing on Cedar Fair Land

The Bainbridge Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. Tuesday (03.24.2015) at Bainbridge Town Hall on the proposed mixed-use, planned-unit-development zoning for the former Geauga Lake Park land and surrounding properties that are currently zoned for commercial recreation. All future development would have to conform to the mixed-use zoning if it passes.

The proposed zoning can be reviewed in this document and this slide deck at the Bainbridge Township website.

Read the Chagrin Valley Times article HERE

Under Construction!

15 Mar

This is the new website for the Rivers Edge Homeowners community which is currently under construction.  We expect to complete and enable it shortly.