Know of anyone in our area interested in picking up some landscaping work this year? If so, River’s Edge Commons, Inc. is interested in finding out their availability, willingness, and ability to maintain the 4 River’s Edge sign areas at High Point Road/Pettibone, River’s Edge Drive/Pettibone, Brewster/Pettibone, and So. Riverside Drive/Brewster. The work includes regular weed maintenance and edging along with grass cutting, light pruning, and mulching when needed.
If you know of someone interested in this work, please email wmrucki@gmail after communicating with the potential individual or company representative and agreeing that your name can be used as the referral source. Thanks – and think spring!
Become a registered user of the website
Website registrations are active again! If you are not already a registered user of this site, please consider registering here.
Benefits of registering at the website include:
- You’ll be notified via email of any Rivers Edge Homeowners announcements.
- If you subscribed to Community News when you register, you’ll also get “Community News” emails periodically with the latest news on the community.
- Consider signing up for paperless annual association dues notices. You’ll get your dues notices via email instead of paper mail. You can pay on-line at the site or send in a check. Find out more about Paperless Dues Notices.
If you are registered you can review your profile, including subscription to the Community News emails here (requires log in).
Sign up for Paperless Membership Renewal & Dues
Sign up for Paperless Membership and Dues – it is more convenient and reduces handling mail!! You’ll receive all your association dues notices, membership benefit documents and confirmation letters by email instead of through the mail. You can still pay by check if your prefer instead of PayPal – a form to pay by check will be included in your dues email.
We are encouraging Paperless sign up:
- It is more convenient, reduces handling mail and mailbox clutter
- Reduces paper waste and saves trees
- Reduce association costs which will help keep down membership dues. Currently, mailing and printing costs for dues notices costs the association around $500 annually.
Sign up for paperless membership dues here (requires login to access the page). Signing up for paperless membership dues requires a login – please register at the website if you haven’t already.
Trash Hauler Recycling Service Question
Some residents have recently asked whether the association is considering switching the preferred trash hauler vendor, Rumpke, as they no longer provide recycling. Waste Management still provides a rolling recycle tote with recycling service.
RECI did evaluate moving to a different preferred hauler this year in response to Rumpke’s change. We ultimately decided not to change this year, because we are anticipating that all of the haulers will ultimately adjust their recycling offers due to changes in the global recycling market. We are concerned about putting all of our residents through the process of switching trash hauling companies only to find that in 6 or 10 months, the new hauler changes their recycling policy. We will review the situation again next year; our expectation is that by then, things should have settled down and we can make a better long term decision. However, RECI wants to hear from residents that feel strongly about having a recycling option. Please use the comments section below to provide feedback (requires login).
If you’re curious about the changes that are happening in the global recycling market and how they are impacting curbside recycling, here are a couple of informative links: