When registering for website membership you will be asked to create a password. Please follow these guidelines:
- It is safe pratice that you do NOT use the same password as you may use for any important account such as your bank, financial instituition, credit cards or email.
- You can make your passowrd stronger (more difficult to guess) by making it a combination of lower and upper case characters, numbers, and special characters (&,#,%, etc)
- Please store your password in a safe place. It is possible to reset a lost password.
You will also be asked for your name and address on the registration form. These are needed to verify that you are a resident of the development. You can also optionally provide your phone number.
- Member profiles (name, address and phone number) can only be viewed by other registred users who are logged in.
- Additioanlly, you can choose to make your address and phone number private by clicking “Hide from Public” on the registration form. This will hide the information even from other registered users.